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MangoDB has a new name, and the momentum is stronger than ever. Meet FerretDB!

· 2 min read
Peter Farkas
Co-Founder, CEO

Just over a month ago, the unveiling of our new project - MangoDB, a truly open source MongoDB replacement, was met with overwhelming interest from within the Open Source community.

MangoDB has a new name-FerretDB

The concept was discussed on many forums, such as Hacker News, Reddit, newsletters, blog posts, and articles.

We were thrilled that many of you reached out to us and offered your suggestions and assistance, which we are really grateful for. Also, there are already numerous contributors on GitHub who are actively helping us with developing the code. Feel free to join us there!

However, a recurring concern was the name of the project itself. This was mentioned on Hacker News and several Reddit threads, and some of you also contacted us directly on the matter. Moreover, a representative of MongoDB Inc. asked us to stop using the MangoDB name on our website, GitHub, or anywhere else, due to similarity or potential confusion.

Therefore, today we are announcing our new name, FerretDB, and FerretDB Inc., which is going to be the company behind FerretDB itself. Moreover, we also secured some funding, enabling us to have a full-time developer on the project! Back when the concept was born, we never expected that we would go this far in just under a month.

Many of you were also wondering who is behind Mang….FerretDB. Please feel free to meet the Founders of FerretDB on our About Us page: Alexey Palazhchenko, Peter Farkas, and Peter Zaitsev. All of us are firm believers in Open Source and have been part of the Open Source database community for many years.

We cannot be more excited about all the great things that happened over the past 30 days, and we are thrilled to look ahead to the future. If you would like to become part of our journey, please feel free to reach out.