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FerretDB v.0.1.1 is out, and other exciting updates

· 2 min read
Peter Farkas
Co-Founder, CEO

It is not easy to contain our excitement about all the good things happening at FerretDB.

First of all, there are things which stayed the same ever since we started out: we are still getting all the loving support of the Open Source community around the world. Each week, we are learning more about potential use cases, feature requests, and ideas on how to make FerretDB better.

And not only that, but we are also able to deliver on these ideas with our growing team of developers (and we are still hiring!)

Today, we released v.0.1.1, with further enhancements and fixes on top of FerretDB v.0.1.0, which introduced exciting changes, enhancing our ability to match the behavior of MongoDB as closely as possible. We will release a blog post with more emphasis on the tech side of things to share some more details with you on this.

While the decision we outlined in the release notes comes with a certain reduction in performance, worry not - compatibility is our number one goal for now, but performance remains a priority. Spanish speakers can also learn more on what happened in v.0.1.0 by reading a good article about us here.

What's next?

In the short term, we will be focusing on creating compatibility with certain applications. One of these will be the CLA Assistant, which we are planning to support from our next release, 0.2.0. Our aim is to bring FerretDB close to real world use cases, as we believe that this is how we can truly grow as a useful product. Yes, it may be early, but it's actually never too early!

If you have a good suggestion on which application would benefit from a free choice of MongoDB-compatible databases, don't hold it to yourself - send them our way!

Percona Live

Last but not least, we will deliver a talk about FerretDB on Percona Live 2022 in Austin, TX! This is a big moment for FerretDB, as Percona Live is the largest open-source database conference in the world. A preview of our talk will be available before the event.

We couldn't tell you everything this time, there is much more to come - stay tuned!